
100 The Fastest Supercars by 3 Methods

The 100 The Fastest Supercars in three ways: Max Speed is the speed at redline in top gear, Top Speed is the top speed achieved in testing by Broughy1322, Lap Time is the fastest laptime achieved by Broughy1322 on the Cutting Coroners GP track.

Max Speed

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 20.746 mph
1. Taipan
139.646 mph
2. Deveste Eight
139.4 mph
3. Entity XXR
139.4 mph
4. Tezeract
138.58 mph
5. Tyrant
135.3 mph
6. LM87
133.578 mph
7. Zeno
133.496 mph
8. S80RR
133.086 mph
9. Krieger
132.676 mph
10. Emerus
132.266 mph
11. Torero XO
132.266 mph
12. Furia
132.184 mph
13. Tigon
132.102 mph
14. RE-7B
132.02 mph
15. Autarch
132.02 mph
16. Zorrusso
132.02 mph
17. X80 Proto
132.02 mph
18. Tyrus
132.02 mph
19. Vagner
131.938 mph
20. Champion
131.856 mph

Top Speed

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 26.5 mph
1. 811
132.5 mph
2. Deveste Eight
131.8 mph
3. Torero XO
131 mph
4. Banshee 900R
131 mph
5. LM87
128.5 mph
6. Entity XXR
128 mph
7. X80 Proto
127.5 mph
8. Zeno
127.5 mph
9. Emerus
127.3 mph
10. Krieger
127.3 mph
11. Nero Custom
127.25 mph
12. Tyrant
127 mph
13. Itali GTB Custom
127 mph
14. Vagner
126.75 mph
15. Nero
126.5 mph
16. Itali GTB
126.25 mph
17. Taipan
126.25 mph
18. Tigon
125.75 mph
19. Autarch
125.5 mph
20. Tezeract
125.5 mph
21. Visione
125.25 mph
22. FMJ
125 mph
23. Ignus
124.8 mph
24. Champion
124.8 mph
25. Adder
124.75 mph
26. Zorrusso
124.3 mph
27. Thrax
124 mph
28. Penetrator
124 mph
29. GP1
123.75 mph
30. RE-7B
123.5 mph
31. Tyrus
123.5 mph
32. S80RR
123 mph
33. XA-21
122.5 mph
34. T20
122.25 mph
35. Zentorno
122 mph
36. Osiris
122 mph
37. Furia
122 mph
38. Turismo R
121.75 mph
39. Reaper
121.75 mph
40. Entity XF
121.5 mph
41. Tempesta
121.25 mph
42. ETR1
120.75 mph
43. SC1
120.75 mph
44. Cheetah
120.25 mph
45. Vacca
120.25 mph
46. Bullet
118.75 mph
47. Infernus
117.75 mph
48. Sultan RS
117.25 mph
49. Cyclone
116.25 mph
50. Voltic
106 mph

Lap Time

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 10.211 secs.
1. Emerus
2. Krieger
00:57.858 (+ 0.035)
3. LM87
00:58.658 (+ 0.835)
4. S80RR
00:58.726 (+ 0.903)
5. Vagner
00:59.194 (+ 1.371)
6. Thrax
00:59.261 (+ 1.438)
7. Torero XO
00:59.577 (+ 1.754)
8. Ignus
0:59.626 (+ 1.803)
9. RE-7B
00:59.727 (+ 1.904)
10. XA-21
00:59.927 (+ 2.104)
11. Autarch
00:59.960 (+ 2.137)
12. Tigon
1:00.027 (+ 2.204)
13. Zorrusso
01:00.225 (+ 2.402)
14. Deveste Eight
01:00.261 (+ 2.438)
15. Tempesta
01:00.803 (+ 2.980)
16. Furia
1:00.895 (+ 3.072)
17. Zentorno
01:00.960 (+ 3.137)
18. Nero Custom
01:01.061 (+ 3.238)
19. Visione
01:01.062 (+ 3.239)
20. X80 Proto
01:01.175 (+ 3.352)
21. ETR1
01:01.195 (+ 3.372)
22. T20
01:01.287 (+ 3.464)
23. Osiris
01:01.394 (+ 3.571)
24. Zeno
1:01.428 (+ 3.605)
25. Tyrus
01:01.428 (+ 3.605)
26. Tyrant
01:01.463 (+ 3.640)
27. Nero
01:01.495 (+ 3.672)
28. Tezeract
01:01.662 (+ 3.839)
29. FMJ
01:01.795 (+ 3.972)
30. Itali GTB
01:01.861 (+ 4.038)
31. Cyclone
01:01.863 (+ 4.040)
32. Turismo R
01:01.998 (+ 4.175)
33. Entity XF
01:02.323 (+ 4.500)
34. Penetrator
01:02.562 (+ 4.739)
35. Reaper
01:02.716 (+ 4.893)
36. Itali GTB Custom
01:02.797 (+ 4.974)
37. Infernus
01:02.929 (+ 5.106)
38. 811
01:03.229 (+ 5.406)
39. Cheetah
01:03.530 (+ 5.707)
40. GP1
01:03.637 (+ 5.814)
41. SC1
01:03.664 (+ 5.841)
42. Vacca
01:03.964 (+ 6.141)
43. Entity XXR
01:04.332 (+ 6.509)
44. Sultan RS
01:04.364 (+ 6.541)
45. Banshee 900R
01:04.565 (+ 6.742)
46. Champion
1:04.698 (+ 6.875)
47. Adder
01:04.964 (+ 7.141)
48. Voltic
01:05.798 (+ 7.975)
49. Taipan
01:05.898 (+ 8.075)
50. Bullet
01:08.034 (+10.211)

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