
100 The Fastest Motorcycles by 3 Methods

The 100 The Fastest Motorcycles in three ways: Max Speed is the speed at redline in top gear, Top Speed is the top speed achieved in testing by Broughy1322, Lap Time is the fastest laptime achieved by Broughy1322 on the Cutting Coroners GP track.

Max Speed

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 56.99 mph
1. Shotaro
130.79 mph
2. Hakuchou Drag
130.38 mph
3. Shinobi
128.248 mph
4. Hakuchou
124.64 mph
5. Thrust
124.64 mph
6. Reever
123.984 mph
7. Bati 801
123 mph
8. Defiler
121.36 mph
9. Vortex
121.36 mph
10. Vindicator
121.36 mph
11. Cliffhanger
120.95 mph
12. Deathbike
120.54 mph
13. Double-T
120.54 mph
14. Gargoyle
120.54 mph
15. Akuma
118.9 mph
16. Carbon RS
118.9 mph
17. BF400
118.9 mph
18. Esskey
118.9 mph
19. Manchez
118.9 mph
20. Sanctus
118.08 mph

Top Speed

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 88.75 mph
1. Reever
163 mph
2. Deathbike
150 mph
3. Bati 801
131.5 mph
4. Hakuchou
131 mph
5. BF400
127 mph
6. Hakuchou Drag
126.5 mph
7. Shinobi
125.3 mph
8. Gargoyle
125 mph
9. Cliffhanger
124.75 mph
10. Carbon RS
124.25 mph
11. Shotaro
123.75 mph
12. Rat Bike
123.5 mph
13. Ruffian
122.25 mph
14. Akuma
121.25 mph
15. Vindicator
121.25 mph
16. Thrust
118.25 mph
17. Double-T
118 mph
18. Sanchez
117.75 mph
19. Defiler
117 mph
20. Vortex
115.75 mph
21. Diabolus Custom
115.25 mph
22. Nightblade
114.25 mph
23. Diabolus
114.25 mph
24. Zombie Chopper
113.75 mph
25. Zombie Bobber
113.75 mph
26. Manchez
113.5 mph
27. Esskey
112.75 mph
28. FCR 1000 Custom
112.5 mph
29. FCR 1000
112 mph
30. Sanctus
112 mph
31. Nemesis
111.25 mph
32. Innovation
110 mph
33. Lectro
109.25 mph
34. Vader
107.75 mph
35. Avarus
107.5 mph
36. Enduro
107.25 mph
37. Daemon (Lost)
107 mph
38. PCJ 600
106.75 mph
39. Daemon
106.5 mph
40. Sovereign
106.25 mph
41. Rampant Rocket
106 mph
42. Hexer
104.75 mph
43. Faggio
103.25 mph
44. Chimera
103 mph
45. Wolfsbane
101.5 mph
46. Stryder
101.5 mph
47. Bagger
98 mph
48. Faggio Sport
76.75 mph
49. Faggio Mod
74.25 mph

Lap Time

Difference in Fastest/Slowest: 32.6 secs.
1. Shotaro
2. Hakuchou Drag
00:57.6 (+ 0.100)
3. Shinobi
0:58.592 (+ 1.092)
4. Bati 801
00:58.6 (+ 1.100)
5. Akuma
00:58.9 (+ 1.400)
6. Deathbike
00:59.017 (+ 1.517)
7. Reever
0:59.459 (+ 1.959)
8. Double-T
01:00.3 (+ 2.800)
9. Defiler
01:00.3 (+ 2.800)
10. Hakuchou
01:00.8 (+ 3.300)
11. Carbon RS
01:01.0 (+ 3.500)
12. Vortex
01:01.0 (+ 3.500)
13. FCR 1000 Custom
01:02.4 (+ 4.900)
14. Ruffian
01:02.5 (+ 5.000)
15. Gargoyle
01:02.6 (+ 5.100)
16. Cliffhanger
01:02.6 (+ 5.100)
17. Diabolus Custom
01:02.9 (+ 5.400)
18. FCR 1000
01:03.2 (+ 5.700)
19. BF400
01:03.3 (+ 5.800)
20. Sanctus
01:03.3 (+ 5.800)
21. Nightblade
01:03.5 (+ 6.000)
22. Lectro
01:03.7 (+ 6.200)
23. Diabolus
01:04.3 (+ 6.800)
24. Sanchez
01:04.532 (+ 7.032)
25. Nemesis
01:04.6 (+ 7.100)
26. Innovation
01:05.0 (+ 7.500)
27. Vader
01:05.3 (+ 7.800)
28. Vindicator
01:05.5 (+ 8.000)
29. Stryder
1:06.334 (+ 8.834)
30. Rampant Rocket
01:06.367 (+ 8.867)
31. Esskey
01:06.4 (+ 8.900)
32. Sovereign
01:06.4 (+ 8.900)
33. Manchez
01:06.5 (+ 9.000)
34. PCJ 600
01:06.7 (+ 9.200)
35. Avarus
01:07.2 (+ 9.700)
36. Hexer
01:07.2 (+ 9.700)
37. Thrust
01:07.3 (+ 9.800)
38. Daemon (Lost)
01:07.8 (+10.300)
39. Zombie Chopper
01:08.2 (+10.700)
40. Zombie Bobber
01:08.3 (+10.800)
41. Daemon
01:08.6 (+11.100)
42. Chimera
01:08.9 (+11.400)
43. Enduro
01:09.1 (+11.600)
44. Bagger
01:13.9 (+16.400)
45. Wolfsbane
01:17.4 (+19.900)
46. Rat Bike
01:17.6 (+20.100)
47. Faggio Sport
01:25.3 (+27.800)
48. Faggio Mod
01:27.2 (+29.700)
49. Faggio
01:30.1 (+32.600)

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