
The Fastest Supercars Curbs vs No Curbs

The 100 fastest cars in two ways:

Highway: Testing guru Broughy1322 tests each car down an open highway long enough for each car to reach it''s top speed. Ties are broken by the car with the best laptime.

Stunt Track: The crew at SD1ONE test each car on an 11km stretch of perfecly smooth pavement (level stunt track, no bumps or curbs) to determine top speed, ties are broken by price with the cheaper car winning.


1st 811 by Pfister
132.5 mph (4.5 mph faster than stunt)
2nd Banshee 900R by Bravado
131 mph (4.2 mph faster than stunt)
3rd Entity XXR by Overflod
128 mph (2.4 mph faster than stunt)
4th X80 Proto by Grotti
127.5 mph (3.2 mph faster than stunt)
5th Nero Custom by Truffade
127.25 mph (2.95 mph faster than stunt)
6th Tyrant by Overflod
127 mph (3.3 mph faster than stunt)
127 mph (3.3 mph faster than stunt)
8th Vagner by Dewbauchee
126.75 mph (2.45 mph faster than stunt)
9th Nero by Truffade
126.5 mph (2.2 mph faster than stunt)
10th Taipan by Cheval
126.25 mph (1.95 mph faster than stunt)
11th Itali GTB by Progen
126.25 mph (3.25 mph faster than stunt)
12th Autarch by Overflod
125.5 mph (3.1 mph faster than stunt)
13th Tezeract by Pegassi
125.5 mph (0.1 mph slower than stunt)
14th Visione by Grotti
125.25 mph (2.85 mph faster than stunt)
15th FMJ by Vapid
125 mph (2 mph faster than stunt)
16th Adder by Truffade
124.75 mph (1.05 mph faster than stunt)
17th Penetrator by Ocelot
124 mph (2.8 mph faster than stunt)
18th GP1 by Progen
123.75 mph (1.95 mph faster than stunt)
19th Tyrus by Progen
123.5 mph (1.7 mph faster than stunt)
20th RE-7B by Annis
123.5 mph (1.7 mph faster than stunt)
21st XA-21 by Ocelot
122.5 mph (2.6 mph faster than stunt)
22nd T20 by Progen
122.25 mph (2.35 mph faster than stunt)
23rd Zentorno by Pegassi
122 mph (1.4 mph faster than stunt)
24th Osiris by Pegassi
122 mph (2.1 mph faster than stunt)
25th Turismo R by Grotti
121.75 mph (1.85 mph faster than stunt)
26th Reaper by Pegassi
121.75 mph (1.85 mph faster than stunt)
27th Entity XF by Overflod
121.5 mph (1.6 mph faster than stunt)
28th Tempesta by Pegassi
121.25 mph (2.55 mph faster than stunt)
29th ETR1 by Emperor
120.75 mph (1.45 mph faster than stunt)
30th SC1 by Ubermacht
120.75 mph (2.65 mph faster than stunt)
31st Cheetah by Grotti
120.25 mph (2.15 mph faster than stunt)
32nd Vacca by Pegassi
120.25 mph (1.55 mph faster than stunt)
33rd Bullet by Vapid
118.75 mph (1.35 mph faster than stunt)
34th Infernus by Pegassi
117.75 mph (1.55 mph faster than stunt)
35th Sultan RS by Karin
117.25 mph (0.15 mph slower than stunt)
36th Cyclone by Coil
116.25 mph (1.25 mph faster than stunt)
37th Voltic by Coil
106 mph (0.4 mph faster than stunt)


1st 811 by Pfister
128 mph (-4.5 mph slower than hwy)
2nd Banshee 900R by Bravado
126.8 mph (-4.2 mph slower than hwy)
3rd Entity XXR by Overflod
125.6 mph (-2.4 mph slower than hwy)
4th Tezeract by Pegassi
125.6 mph (0.1 mph faster than hwy)
5th X80 Proto by Grotti
124.3 mph (-3.2 mph slower than hwy)
6th Nero Custom by Truffade
124.3 mph (-2.95 mph slower than hwy)
7th Vagner by Dewbauchee
124.3 mph (-2.45 mph slower than hwy)
8th Nero by Truffade
124.3 mph (-2.2 mph slower than hwy)
9th Taipan by Cheval
124.3 mph (-1.95 mph slower than hwy)
10th Tyrant by Overflod
123.7 mph (-3.3 mph slower than hwy)
123.7 mph (-3.3 mph slower than hwy)
12th Adder by Truffade
123.7 mph (-1.05 mph slower than hwy)
13th Itali GTB by Progen
123 mph (-3.25 mph slower than hwy)
14th FMJ by Vapid
123 mph (-2 mph slower than hwy)
15th Autarch by Overflod
122.4 mph (-3.1 mph slower than hwy)
16th Visione by Grotti
122.4 mph (-2.85 mph slower than hwy)
17th Tyrus by Progen
121.8 mph (-1.7 mph slower than hwy)
18th GP1 by Progen
121.8 mph (-1.95 mph slower than hwy)
19th RE-7B by Annis
121.8 mph (-1.7 mph slower than hwy)
20th Penetrator by Ocelot
121.2 mph (-2.8 mph slower than hwy)
21st Zentorno by Pegassi
120.6 mph (-1.4 mph slower than hwy)
22nd XA-21 by Ocelot
119.9 mph (-2.6 mph slower than hwy)
23rd T20 by Progen
119.9 mph (-2.35 mph slower than hwy)
24th Osiris by Pegassi
119.9 mph (-2.1 mph slower than hwy)
25th Turismo R by Grotti
119.9 mph (-1.85 mph slower than hwy)
26th Reaper by Pegassi
119.9 mph (-1.85 mph slower than hwy)
27th Entity XF by Overflod
119.9 mph (-1.6 mph slower than hwy)
28th ETR1 by Emperor
119.3 mph (-1.45 mph slower than hwy)
29th Vacca by Pegassi
118.7 mph (-1.55 mph slower than hwy)
30th Tempesta by Pegassi
118.7 mph (-2.55 mph slower than hwy)
31st Cheetah by Grotti
118.1 mph (-2.15 mph slower than hwy)
32nd SC1 by Ubermacht
118.1 mph (-2.65 mph slower than hwy)
33rd Bullet by Vapid
117.4 mph (-1.35 mph slower than hwy)
34th Sultan RS by Karin
117.4 mph (0.15 mph faster than hwy)
35th Infernus by Pegassi
116.2 mph (-1.55 mph slower than hwy)
36th Cyclone by Coil
115 mph (-1.25 mph slower than hwy)
37th Voltic by Coil
105.6 mph (-0.4 mph slower than hwy)

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